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  • The natural solution

    When it comes to the design of timber structural frame, we regard the engineering process as a complex art of molding materials, where we always account for shear and all varieties of loads, as well as eye-catching, aesthetic shapes. The timber structures we design are executed so that they will have the capacity to sustain a wide scope of external influences that could occur, from execution to usage. This is the reason we always assure that our timber frames will meet serviceability requirements for structures and structural elements.

    In our timber frame structural design process we account for all environmental conditions beforehand, assessing these in relation to the product’s durability and taking the necessary provisions to ensure that the materials used are well protected.

    When we approach a structural design for any timber frame, we work in such manner that potential deteriorations will not bring impairment below intention or the level of maintenance anticipated. As licensed engineers, we have a great familiarity with timber architecture and engineering of timber structures and frames, and we are accustomed to all the specific reactions for timber frame stress loads: this is why we make highly precise measurements and calculate joints and joinery in order to timely determine and take out any potential weakness.

    We generate automated processes for fabrication drawings and structural layouts for countless timber framing solutions, with a variety of applications:
    • Interior and exterior housing
    • Hybrid buildings
    • All wood office buildings
    • Cottages
    • Roofs
    • Walls
    • Ceilings

    Creativity and high precision

    Since wood is highly suitable for a large diversity of constructions, easily able to be used along other materials, out timber structural frames offer a very generous creative space for designers. With the most advanced software technology, we conceptualize and design timber structures with great enthusiasm and precision.

    We put forward to our clients a full range of services for timber frame structural design, from concept development to the final 3D designs.