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  • CLT- When nature meets technology

    CLT refers to a solid, two-dimensional timber product designated for many load-bearing usages. From a mechanical standpoint, CLT is a multilayered, shear compliant laminated composite with highly anisotropic properties. It is made out of a minimum of three layers which will be glued together at specific angles, forming a symmetrical cross-section. Other layers may be set up in parallel, if their joint thickness does not surpass 90mm.

    Due to its intrinsic structural traits, cross-laminated timber is a highly creative and reliable solution for many construction projects, and here at Glulam.is we design and project many high quality such structures, taking pride in the dimensional stability and structural properties of our products.

    Being a very flexible wood product, suitable for usage along with many other materials, CLT offers a limitless potential to architects:
    • Roofing, floors and walls
    • Educational facilities
    • Sport halls
    • Religious buildings
    • Pavilions
    • High-rise buildings
    • All-timber office buildings

    Our advanced CNC technology provides for optimal precision in manufacturing, employing sophisticated equipment that makes possible for highly complex cuts and most accurate measurement.

    We denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleas ure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and the trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail demoralized by the charms in their duty through the weakness of will so blinded by desire

    Thanks to the exceptional creative freedom it allows for, we are able to conceptualize and design the most attractive and solid structures. We design CLT in different lengths, up to 16m in length and 3m wide, with a thickness level reaching up to 500mm at special request, bearing in mind that according to some specific approvals, the most extensive dimensions reach up to 30m by 4,80m. We are familiar with all the traits and benefits of wooden products, and we like to explore and put to use all of our expertise and knowledge when we design and plan for CLT structures.

    We are able to provide a full range of services with CLT, beginning from prior consulting and professional advice, 2D arrangements to 3D modelling and the final 3D design. We build high precision models, with an accurate clash analysis, to assure for the best end products, enabling constructors to gain fast completion times, high value materials and increased safety on site, all by meeting quality and safety standards.